Autopay Fleet Account
Creating an account
Mobility Firm Premium is an automatic payment service for fleets, tailored to the needs of business customers with several to hundreds of light vehicles. It allows all company journeys to be paid automatically, summary invoices to be drawn up, documentation to be managed and monthly costs to be settled.
Important: Polish and foreign companies can be registered in Mobility Firm Premium. In the case of German plates, registration is required in accordance with the vehicle registration certificate or number plates:
To log in to your Autopay Fleet account:
Videotolling system |
Light, heavy and mixed fleets |
Light vehicles are passenger cars with a maximum permissible weight of 3.5 t and motorbikes.
Heavy vehicles are cars with a gross vehicle weight of more than 3.5 t.
You can add a vehicle after logging into your account, under "Vehicles" - "Add vehicle".
With Autopay Flota you can pay automatically for driving on the following roads in Poland:
Once logged into the panel, you can add the drivers' details: name, surname, telephone number, email address and the registration number of the vehicle they are driving.
Once a driver has been added, that driver will receive an SMS message inviting them to use the system. He or she must download the Autopay mobile app and register, then go to 'Settings' to enter code received earlier by SMS. If there is a difficulty in assigning a driver to a company - we will ask the driver to provide the TIN.
Important: If the driver has already used Autopay before (e.g. to pay for private journeys), he/she must log into the application, click 'More' > 'Settings' > 'Driver Account' and enter the code received earlier in the SMS to activate the driver account.
The fleet manager can easily assign any number of vehicles from the list to a driver. To do this:
💡 Drivers have limited access to fleet information - they can see vehicle data (number plates) and a list of journeys to date. However, they do not have access to billing and other fleet data.
Each driver can also add the details of his or her private payment card and use it for payments when travelling in a company vehicle but for private purposes.
Driver account
Using the driver's account, the company can pay for the employee's journeys on the motorways covered by the videotolling system, namely the AmberOne A1, A2 Poznań-Konin and A4 Katowice-Kraków.
The employer creates a driver account and the employee activates it after downloading the Autopay app. Drivers can also be added by the Fleet Manager - via the administrative panel.
After downloading the app to their phone, the employee should:
Change of data
With an active account, the driver can: add a new vehicle, activate specific services and add a payment source.
If a vehicle has been added by the Fleet Manager, the driver cannot: manage Autopay payments, make changes to the vehicle category and payment sources indicated for the vehicle, or delete a vehicle that has been assigned to him/her.
Change of account type
A vehicle driver can add their private vehicle (without having to change their account details) and the details of the private payment card they wish to use for payment when they are travelling in a company vehicle but for private purposes.
Deleting your account with Autopay Fleet
To delete your Autopay Fleet account - please contact our Help Centre.
If you need help, please contact us using the form below. Complete all fields - this will speed up the whole process.
Zobacz także
Możesz skorzystać z wyszukiwarki lub porozmawiać z naszym wirtualnym pomocnikiem, który ma zawsze najbardziej aktualne informacje i chętnie się nimi z Tobą podzieli.