Autopay Fleet Account
Forms of payment
The Mobility Firm Premium service is payable according to the billing plan selected. You will receive an invoice from us at the beginning of the month, which consists of the cost of the journeys and the vehicle fee.
To increase the deposit:
💡 Always pay attention to the account number to which you order the transfer. The bail-in account is different from the settlement account.
You will receive information on the utilisation of your deposit in your email inbox. We send messages when the usage is 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%, respectively. If there are problems with your card, we also send you an email.
Cost of Mobility Firm Premium
The cost of the service depends on the plan chosen. Price list:
Mobility Firm Premium | Individual plan | |
Videotolling for 1 vehicle |
PLN 7.38 on a monthly basis
PLN 73.80 in the annual settlement |
agreed individually |
Fees are combined and the final cost depends on the number of vehicles in the fleet and the types of active services.
Fleet charge is a subscription fee for each car added to the system that has at least one trip paid for using the Autopay service.
You will find detailed information about the fees here.
Single trip invoice is issued immediately after the journey is completed. To find it:
Important: Only those using the Mobility Firm plan can receive an invoice for a single journey.
Summary invoice is issued to holders of an active Mobility Firm Premium plan between the 6th and 15th of the following month and sent to the e-mail address indicated during registration (you can also add a second e-mail address, e.g. for your accounting). The invoice will include the cost of journeys and the cost of commission for vehicles that have made a minimum of one journey since the vehicle was added to the Autopay Fleet system.
The invoice for Mobility Firm Premium you will receive from us to the e-mail address you indicated during registration (you can also add a second, arbitrary e-mail address for sending invoices). Remember to always order the transfer to the details shown on the invoice or in the Autopay Fleet panel.
Important: When we receive payment from you for your latest invoice, we will first check to see if you have any outstanding fare payments. If this turns out to be the case, then the outstanding amount due will be paid from the funds received. This way you are guaranteed not to be too long in arrears and you will not lose the use of Autopay.
Monthly subscription
When you opt for a monthly subscription, you can choose the following forms of payment:
The vehicle fee will only start to be charged when:
The vehicle fee will be added to the invoice to be issued at the beginning of the following month.
💡 If you remove an active vehicle on 1 August, for example, its cost will still be included in the invoice you receive in September.
Important: If you have previously used Autopay as a private individual and have completed journeys with a vehicle you are now using within Autopay Fleet, we will start charging you as soon as you add the vehicle in question (this applies if your Autopay Fleet account was set up with the same phone number as your previous private account).
Annual subscription
When you opt for an annual subscription, you can choose the following forms of payment:
You may have added any number of vehicles. Until you have completed your first journey in a particular car, we will not charge you for it. This will only happen once you have fulfilled all the conditions, viz:
Important: If you have previously used Autopay as a private individual and have completed journeys with a vehicle you are now using within Autopay Fleet, we will start charging you as soon as you add the vehicle in question (this applies if your Autopay Fleet account was set up with the same phone number as your previous private account).
Annual subscriptions are billed separately for each carand the fee is charged in the month following the addition of the vehicle - for the previous month and 11 subsequent months.
As a result, you have active two subscriptions - one valid until August and the other until the following October.
💡 Vehicle commissions will be added to your next invoice. If you do not use a particular vehicle for, say, a month, its cost will still be included in the invoice.
Zobacz także
Możesz skorzystać z wyszukiwarki lub porozmawiać z naszym wirtualnym pomocnikiem, który ma zawsze najbardziej aktualne informacje i chętnie się nimi z Tobą podzieli.