Autopay account
Available payment methods on Autopay
The Autopay service is completely free for individual users with up to two vehicles - you only pay the cost of the journey. You will find the current price list for the charges on the Price listand you will find the tolls applicable on the individual motorway sections on the official website of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways.
If you cannot add a payment method - make sure you are using the latest version of the app (if not - update it). Also make sure with your bank that you don't have limits or blocks on payments.
How you receive your invoice depends on the type of account you use.
Company accounts (Mobility Firm) - an invoice for a single trip will be automatically sent to your email after the trip has been completed and will be available in the web panel under "Invoices". To receive an invoice:Summary invoices are available for Mobility Firm Premium accounts.
If you use the Mobility Firm Premium plan -. here you will find the invoice information you need.
Important: the vehicle registration number will be shown on the invoice for a single journey.
If you notice that the details on the invoice are incorrect - please send us a correction note and the original of the incorrect invoice using the form at the bottom of the page.
Erroneous or unrealised payments
So that the fare payment can be collected:
Otherwise, the payment will fail and the ability to use Autopay will be blocked until the payment is settled.
If you see a journey in your Autopay account that should not be there - please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.
💡To ensure that the app does not download an automatic payment when you do not want it to, follow the instructions:
On the A1, A2 Poznań-Konin or on the A4 Katowice-Krakow (videotolling) |
- temporarily deactivate the automatic payment service on the episode in question.
Remember to enable Autopay when you want to use automatic payments again. |
If you need help, please contact us using the form below. Complete all fields - this will speed up the whole process.
Zobacz także
Możesz skorzystać z wyszukiwarki lub porozmawiać z naszym wirtualnym pomocnikiem, który ma zawsze najbardziej aktualne informacje i chętnie się nimi z Tobą podzieli.