Payments while travelling
How do you pay Autopay for car washes?
The Autopay mobile app allows automatic payments for services carried out at the car washes covered by the system. Below you will find all the information about the scope of the service, rules of use and costs.
💡The service is only available to those using Shell fleet cards.
On arrival at the car wash:
When you see the information that the payment has been successful, you can proceed to wash your vehicle. Pulses start to accrue when you select one of the available programmes at the car wash.
Important: Autopay automatic payments are only covered for services related to vehicle washing.
Car washes covered by Autopay
The system does not impose restrictions on the type of vehicle - you can wash both a car and a motorbike. The only limitation, if any, may be the space available at your chosen car wash (not every larger car will fit).
Importantly, you don't need to add your vehicle details in the Autopay app to pay for your vehicle wash automatically.
Zobacz także
Możesz skorzystać z wyszukiwarki lub porozmawiać z naszym wirtualnym pomocnikiem, który ma zawsze najbardziej aktualne informacje i chętnie się nimi z Tobą podzieli.