Payments while travelling
What types of parking are available on Autopay?
The Autopay mobile app allows two types of payment at selected car parks in Poland:
A list of the car parks covered by these schemes can be found below under 'Car parks covered by Autopay'.
How to pay with Autopay at car parks with automatic payment? (videotolling)
If you do not yet have an account with Autopay or are looking for other information, please read the articles available here (terms of use) i here (accounts).
To activate the automatic payment service for parking in the Autopay app:
If you have a vehicle added, a payment method selected and a parking payment service activated - you can already use Autopay. All you have to do is slowly approach the barrier when leaving the car park - the system will read your registration, the barrier will raise and the corresponding payment will be collected.
💡When leaving the car park you do not need to have Autopay enabled on your phone. If you have previously activated the service - the system will work automatically and the fee will be charged.
If your hotel booking also includes the cost of parking - remember to turn off the automatic parking payment service in the app before you arrive at the hotel. Otherwise, the system will collect the payment and you will pay for parking twice.
Important: The parking payment service cannot be activated from online banking.
How to pay with Autopay in the Navipay app
Forms of payment
As with the rest of Autopay's services, you can also pay for car parks with a connected payment card.
Car parks covered by Autopay
The automatic payment service is available at the following car parks:
Payment service from Autopay via the Navipay app is available at the following car parks:
Zobacz także
Możesz skorzystać z wyszukiwarki lub porozmawiać z naszym wirtualnym pomocnikiem, który ma zawsze najbardziej aktualne informacje i chętnie się nimi z Tobą podzieli.