Payments while travelling
AmberOne (Amber Highway) is a motorway covered by the videotolling system, which means that automatic toll collection takes place after the vehicle's registration number is read by cameras at the gates.
The A1 motorway runs from Rusocin to Nowa Wieś (Gdańsk-Toruń).
Junctions: Rusocin, Stanislawie, Swarozyn, Pelplin, Kopytkowo, Warlubie, Nowe Marzy, Grudziądz, Lisewo, Turzno, Lubicz, Nowa Wieś - at each of them you can use Autopay automatic payments.
You can check the current price list at
official A1 Motorway website.
How to use Autopay on the A1?
If you do not yet have an account with Autopay or are looking for other information, please read the articles available here (terms of use) i here (accounts).
When you have an account with Autopay:
Important: you do not need to turn on the app (or have your phone with you) when driving through the gates. If you have previously activated the Autopay service for the A1 Motorway - the toll will be charged automatically as the camera system reads your registration number.
💡 No changes can be made to the account during the run, including deleting the vehicle and changing the form of payment.
The system covers cars of all categories - with both Polish and foreign registration numbers. Moving motorbike, you cannot use videotolling (The cameras are not able to read the registration numbers located on the rear of the motorbike).
Important: If you do not see yours in the list of available makes and models, select 'Other' from the list.
List of countries covered on the A1 Motorway: Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom.
Erroneous or unrealised payments
If you see a ride in your Autopay account that shouldn't be there or a payment for a completed ride is missing - please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.
💡If you are concerned that the app will take a payment when you don't want it to - you can temporarily disable the automatic payment service on a particular episode at any time.
When you have not been able to automatically pay for a ride, you can do so manually. To do this:
When you lend a car to someone
If you lend someone a car that you have added to your Autopay account and that person is planning to travel on the A1 Motorway -. remember to deactivate the Autopay service for this section before its journey. To do this, uncheck the slider shown next to the name AmberOne A1.
If you fail to do so, the toll for the A1 Motorway will be charged to your card.
Problem with the barrier
The barrier may not lift if for some reason the camera does not read your registration, so remember to wipe it down before each journey.
When the barrier doesn't go up at the entrance - download a traditional ticket and the barrier will go up.
When the barrier doesn't go up at the congress - press the SOS button and wait for the toll collector who will enter the information about your exit from the motorway into the system. The toll will be collected automatically (via Autopay).
💡In situations where the barriers are raised as a result of a Ministry decree, no toll is charged.
If you need help, please contact us using the form below. Complete all fields - this will speed up the whole process.
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